
Locations & Languages


The Locations widget shows you how many people are currently on your website right now and where they are visiting from.

The world map shows you where each individual visitor is located around the world.

The list of countries on the world map is ordered by the number of people currently online from that country right now. The list, as with everything else in GoSquared, is updated in real-time. So as soon as someone new from London visits your site, you'll see the number of people online from "United Kingdom" immediately increment by 1.

What do the coloured dots mean?

The colour of the dots represent how long somebody has been online for. It's a traffic light system where green means the visitor has just landed on your site, and red means they've been on the site for over 10 minutes. The longer they stay online, the colour of the dot fades from green, through yellow, to orange, and finally red.

How do I view which city they are from?

At the moment, city level data is only available in the Customer Data Hub. Here you can filter for users by city name and add a column to show you each uses' city in the list.

How can I use this data?

This data can help inform where possible new markets for your product may emerge from. Perhaps you are UK-based company, and you notice an increasing majority of your customers are based in Australia. You could use this information to prioritise your Marketing & Sales efforts to this segment, and benefit from the product-market fit. Or use this information to make an informed decision on changing your Live-Support hours, in order to have CS Agents available in this time-zone.


The Languages widget shows the system languages of the visitors who are currently on your website.

GoSquared detects the language that each visitor's browser and operating system are set to to calculate this data.

The list of languages is ordered by the number of people currently online on your website with that language set on their browser and OS.

How can I use this data?

This data allows you to fine-tune your communication with your client-base. You may notice an emerging section of your customers prefer their native language over yours. This means you can make an informed decision to translate any Marketing material directed at this audience into their preferred language; thereby personalising and boosting your engagement with them.

NB. Please note, if users deploy VPNs or a Private Relay on their browser or mobile device, this may cause inaccuracy in the representation of their Location.